Monday, December 28, 2009 Y 12/28/2009 12:50:00 PM

Day 1 night... Odaiba - a man-made land
****im still at day 1 when xiaowei has finished everything.. hahaa.. =X***
Fuji Television Building!
We tried to capture every colours of it.. haha..

Love!! It's so beautiful!

Labels: Tokyo
Thursday, December 17, 2009 Y 12/17/2009 09:08:00 PM
Ahhh... i'm sooooooo god damn lazy to blogg... ahahaa... Yes i know i know.. my japan trip is not even half done... HAHA... =X
Well, i'm craving for mario kart games!!!
Blog soooooooonnn... i'll promise.... =X
Saturday, December 05, 2009 Y 12/05/2009 12:12:00 AM
RANT 1:Damn that F indian!!
Seriously i think if you knock me down, my bf will kill ur whole bloody family all the way to INDIA!
I was like crossing the zebra crossing at vivo when i stop in the middle of it bcos that stupid car NEVER STOP!! Guess what's he doing? looking at XMAS tree on the left... and he just drive pass the Z.C without stopping.. -___-!
WTH?! u nv see a damn xmas tree before meh!?!
Arghh!! I think i could be dead if i was daydreaming loh... What the!!
RANT 2:Sometime i wonder why people are so gullible? HAHA... Can't they use ur brain, just 1% can??
Which adulterous admits/broadcasts their affairs? Out of the mind?
Ok.. probably they do...
Ahahaa... anyway im just a little amused..
All i did was, adding some spices to their GOSSIPS,
I posted i'm having affair with that someone and TADAHHHH!!!!
All the !#$%&*)()*&^%$# came out like as if they wanna find righteous for my BF!
(Sad to say, i bet he will appreciate that)
Worst is, i think they got themself agitated and pissed off by my words.. HAHAAHAA...
SO who are them to judge when they know NUTS about it?? =)
In case you are wondering why i make it worst bcos i see no point in explaining and answering to their 'curiosity'? (kpo to be exact) If this is what they wanna hear.. YA LAH...
I like him (plus many many) , he like me...
He chasing me, I chasing him... =D
*what's our relationship are seriously none of ur business! =P*Dare to post, then be dare to keep..
GD nite!
Shit lah! the rants are dirtying my blog, but can't help it.. HAHAHAA...OH btw, i thought people only interested in celebrities' affairs!! Didn't know im included!!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!