Thursday, October 09, 2008 Y 10/09/2008 08:53:00 PM
Happy Birthday Darling!!!!
& of cos..
Happy Anniversary to us!!
*ok i changed to date to 9oct.. its actually 10oct now.. hahahaa.. =X*
And bcos we played till too late ytd.. plus dear need to wake up damn early this morning for meeting...
I'm sure.. 101% he can't slp later on.. and 102% he don let me slp later on!!!
Anyway.. got to thanks Chao for giving dear a PS3 birthday present bcos its temporparily gonna rest put in my room! HAHAHA...
He got from me..
1. years of love! ahaaa..
2. A heartshape bottled filled with 512 heartshape cash.. bcos i don noe what to buy for him!
3. a box of over burnt cookies but its still taste nice.. hahaha.. =X
4. A precious moments figurines for our anniversary.
And from him for our anniversary..
1. years of love as well!
2. Spa
3. And a expensive $80 Mario Monopoly!
And its such a cute set!!! Awww...
Sometime i wonder he does really make effort in thinking wat to get for me.. cos he know i love monopoly and mine is kinda old! =D Muacks!
Few days ago i got a bandaged foot! Cos of slight sprain on my right foot.. and the funniest thing is..
Like Mother like Daughter..

Left for my mum, right for me.. HAHAHA...
And for her frens who saw us was like.. eh wat? Fashion now ah? haahaha
Alright.. random... next..
A sudden crazily huge purchase for Shu uemura products.. This is the 1st time i spent like $500 in one shot for comestics n facial wash... =\...
Then i chuck my old comestics aside.. ahaa..
My shoes collection...

I realise its lack of a pair of branded heels.. ahahaha.. =X
We had fruits almost everyday for our tea time.. Thanks to our warehouse guys..

Ok.. that's for now! There's more to blog actually but for now.. i need to wake my dear up! I'm HUNGRY lah..