Thursday, May 17, 2007 Y 5/17/2007 10:25:00 PM
Yup.. Finally have the energy to blog... aha =X
Went Villa Bail for supper last saturday... Nice ambience!! As we got a area of our own.. played 007, 7-up and such.. whahaa.. had fun thou...

Headed to OCH after that.. Dear parked at one of the lots whereby once i step onto the ground, in fact i'm stepping onto a 'puddle' of...... not water but red ants!
And i stand there happily without knowing i'm stepping onto THEM for a while until one of them cling HARD onto my feet! ouch.. -.-
Yet.. I tot i stepped onto tree branches which is pricking me.. ahahaa.. -.- and it's super hard to get rid.. swing my feet hard also die die cling onto it.. Luckily haven't bite me... phew...
Alright.. nothing much inside... ok basicly nothing.. aha.. and i think i can memorize that area despite on the no. of times i've been there.. -.-
Last but not least... lazz around at YD before heading home...
Ok now... the 'terrible' thing i did again... I bought this...
Sac Plat~~~~!''Its square, its flat, its big but i just love it! =D''
Yes again..!! Which hit me down another 1.4k.. aha.. Its actually a bday present meant for myself next mth.. however i cant wait till next mth.. soooo.. a very early one.. =X
*2005-Taiwan.2006-Maldives.2007-LV.2008-??? R1?!! WHAHAahaha.. =X*
Monday, May 14, 2007 Y 5/14/2007 01:08:00 AM
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!Dear bought our parents to Crystal Jade... Twice in a day having crystal jade! -.- Ahaha.. Noon crystal jade kitchen, Nite crystal jade la mian xiao long bao... *scaary*.. no more CJ for this period of time! Alright.. time for bed.. shall blog about sat in the next few days.. (provided if i'm not lazy! =X)*you'll.never.believe.wat.i.bought.again*
Friday, May 11, 2007 Y 5/11/2007 02:10:00 PM
Tuesday.. 08th May 07... Went Vivo..Gold class movie again.. with dear... Gold class seem to be an addicition... haahaha...
Spiderman 3...I love the black suit! of cos not the black 'spoilt'-erman instead of spiderman... haha.. Nice touching movie.. Frankly speaking I didn't watch 1 & 2 before.. Luckily wednesday night manage to catch 1 on chn 5.. =)
Bought another 2 more ax tee! =X
Monday, May 07, 2007 Y 5/07/2007 01:01:00 AM
Saturday.. Yesterday...
Went dinner at dragon restaurant? Wat ever that place call.. the food was not that good.. yet.. the timing they took to serve the food was like... ARGHHH....! Wait until everyone can go crazy... -.-''
Went town... Bought 2 dresses! Headed to Eski Bar after that!!
Whahahaa.. had real fun.. break into 2 parts.. one side not so cold.. another was minus 4 degrees one! stayed inside the minus 4 degrees one.. Was playing who ever can't tahan n step out first must drink.. hahaa.. From standing under the fan, to putting our hands right infront of the fan & placing the whole palm onto that bloody cold metal basin... hahaha.. luckily i had the jacket on! =X Here's some pics!

Went supper... and u won't believe that we actually call finger foods until near 90 bucks.. hahahahaa... eat until >.<....!!! One plate each of the following...
Sotong BallFrench Fries X 2Chicken WingSpring RollsBreaded CrabstickCar-la-ma-ri ( Izzit spelled like that? I forget how to spell lah..=\ ) Alright.. Bed time!!
Saturday, May 05, 2007 Y 5/05/2007 05:35:00 PM
Dear bought me this!! Thanks Darling!!

Super love it.....
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 Y 5/02/2007 10:14:00 PM
Alright.. this tme round not a long gap between my entries.. haha..
Was drag into a super long meeting today.. -.- from 6.30pm till abt 9pm!! Zzzz...
Basicly i was out of the office for the whole of last week.. haha.. roadshows all around Singapore..! wan my life.. -.-''
Happy Brithday Elaine to Val! - Went Angus House at taka for steak to celebrate their bday... Slurrrrppppp! The best steak i ever had! Expensive thou... abt $40 bucks for 150g nia.. *Craving for it now*
Gold Class Movie again after that...!
I shot my wife... Prove it... Nice! the killing was well plan! the show something like flight plan... With details planning before taking action. However the ending will always bring justice!
Its seem to be a addiction watching in gold class... =X expensiveeeeeeeeee....
Labour day eve went dear's platton
chalet at changi.. muahahaa... played
mahjong with his colleague & sir's'... scary!! first time in my life played so big bet... Max $20 for a round... Lost $40 in the first half... Then carry on for the 2nd half... Won $90!!
After deducting... I still win $50 afterall! Yea! So excited thou.. haha.. cos i gt 'qing yi se' n 'xiao san yuan'!!
Labour day.. Went chao's house for steamboat... n i actually BBQ at his doorstep with my DIY BBQ pit... hahahahah =X
''When i say BBQ, I mean real BBQ-ing alright.. =P''Alright... BYE!*Thanks.spiderman!!!*